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141 River Rd


Sample 2023

Despite the near constant rain, we still managed to pull off many beautiful evenings in the orchard! We try to make each dinner unique by adding special little touches to every night, rotating the secret menu and showcasing elements growing seasonally at the farm. We love putting it all together and relish the “oohs and aaahhs” that come when diners take a seat.

One of the most enjoyable parts of Dinner in the Orchard is putting together all the different plants, napkins, glasses, silverware and candles together to make something truly unique.

The farm’s flower fields always provide the most colorful table arrangements.

Sunsets like this make it all worth it!

We love a long farm table! You will definitely enjoy the celebratory feel of a communal dinner and you may even make a new friend!

The din of laughter and glass clinking while guests dine is a sound of pure joy.

There are nights like this that just take your breath away. The light was warm and the big dipper came out to play…the orchard was happy to frame out the scene.

We love the recycled wool blankets from Tartan Blanket Co. and the farm’s specialty pumpkins highlight their colors perfectly. The rare 2023 apple adorned each place as a reminder of the changing climate and what that means for farmers and their crops.